High Speed Photography Tutorial – Wine Glass
August 11, 2019
By user
Welcome to this quick tutorial on laser triggering with Pluto trigger. Today I was playing around with freeze motion photography, and thought it would be cool to share with you what I tried to get this type of shot. It’s my first time doing this shot this way, and I certainly would improve the process …
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Macro Lenses versus Extension Tubes
July 7, 2019
By user
Macro photography can be fun. It can also be expensive if you are starting out. This article will try to let you answer the question: Are macro lenses worth it, or can I get decent macro photos using extension tubes and an inexpensive lens? If you don’t know what macro photography is (confusingly sometimes also …
Contemplation – How to get this shot
August 8, 2012
By tukay
Contemplation, a photo by Tukay Canuck on Flickr. Here’s how I got this shot. I took an Elinchrom D-Lite 4 with a big beauty dish and gold reflector, put it on a boom arm on a C-stand, and had it camera right. It was quite a distance from the model, so I cranked it to …